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Culture is something we’ve discussed in depth in other blogs both in terms of how it affects employee retention and company profits and more. One important element we have not discussed however, is how flexibility of the working environment influences culture. Omer Molad of Vervoe recently published a blog that provides great insight to companies, and asks some key questions to think about if you are one of the many companies who dabbles in work “flexible” so popular these days. Below you will find 3 key elements to know/consider:


Unspecified flexibility policies hurt company culture

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A lot of companies have no real rules or structure in place around their “flexible” work environment, which leads to problems for employees and employers. From simple misunderstandings to more severe issues, companies NEED to ensure their policies, expectations and procedures are clearly defined so their work culture is not negatively impacted. Clearly define what you mean when you mean by “flexibility” and then document it carefully to avoid confusion.


Flexibility doesn’t work for all industries

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As Molad points out in his blog, every company is different and has a different culture. While we’d love to say flexibility is a one-size fits every industry thing, it simply is not. Before you begin discussions with employees about a flexible work environment, ask yourself the hard questions around if your industry and company are ones that can benefit from flexibility or not. Implementing something that hinders your employees’ ability to get quality work done hurts everyone.


Process is key!

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Once you go through the steps of deciding whether or not to implement a flexible working environment, the most crucial step is ensuring you have a strong, vetted process in place for it. Having well-defined procedures will help everyone, both current and new employees, know what is acceptable and what is not. This process will aid in ensuring there are no minor or major issues caused by the flexibility. A little more work upfront pays off BIG TIME – trust us!

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The biggest piece of advice that we can give, along with that of Molad, is to ASK the important questions BEFORE you implement a flexible work schedule – and before you take one away. Make sure you know your employees, your company goals, and establish solid policies and procedures before implementing any changes so you are poised for maximum success.


Interested in learning more about implementing flexibility into your company work culture? Contact our team at Kim@QuantumMark.com today!
